Editing on a Ultrawide Monitor

Whats it Like to Edit with an Ultrawide Monitor…

I have been using an ultrawide monitor to edit on for the past 5 months. so far it has been an enjoyable experience.

Dell U3415W

Dell U3415W

The monitor i decided to go with was the Dell U3415W . The reason why i chose this model is because 1. the curve isn’t as steep as the other models 2. it was the most affordable at the time i purchased it 3. its color accuracy was decent.

The Pros…

lets start with the pros. I have a lot more screen space which allows me to open up several windows for multitasking. Whilst Editing i am able to see about 30% more of my timeline which is a big deal for me and my workflow.

Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline

Adobe Premiere Pro Timeline

The Cons…

Moving on to the Cons. its very heavy, takes up a lot of space on your desk and for me personally i would of liked more vertical screen space. The one i currently have is 3440 by 1440 if i could turn back the clock i would of gone with the Dell3818dw as its resolution is 3840 by 1600.

In Conclusion…

Editing with an ultrawide monitor is a very good experience, i myself cant see myself going back to a smaller screen. If you are worried about the curve affecting straight lines no need to worry you will adjust within a couple days. Whilst it does take up a lot of space on your desk, that is something i am willing to deal with as the amount of screen real estate i have within adobe premiere pro allows me to edit quicker.

Wacom Tablet for Editing

Constant Wrist Pain…

After Years of using a mouse to edit with i started to get sharp pains in my wrist, elbow and hand. It got so bad after 10 minutes i would have to ice my wrist. I tried many things from wrist straps (which i still use to help extra blood flow) to vertical mice to standing desks, i know standing desk is overkill but it helps in other ways.

Wacom To The Rescue…

it wasn’t until i came across various articles on the benefits of using a wacom tablet for video editing. So i decided to give it a try and purchased a medium sized wacom tablet or graphics tablet. The results after 5 months of use were great i experienced a great deal of less pain and realized i could edit for much much longer before i would start to feel some relative light pain in my wrist. It took me a while to adjust to using a wacom tablet as it would do after a decade of using a mouse, but once i became familiar i noticed i was working a lot faster.

My Trustee Wacom Tablet :-)

My Trustee Wacom Tablet :-)

Customizable Buttons…

I have Mapped the buttons on the left side of the wacom tablet to buttons i use all the time in Premiere Pro, After Effects and normal day to day use. I opted for the medium version just because the Large was too expensive and too big and the small was well too small for me i have a 3 screen setup so travel distance is too precise on the small version. i found the medium size tablet is the best one for me and my workflow.

My Wacom Tablet Interface

My Wacom Tablet Interface

In Conclusion…

I can Honestly say as a fulltime Video Editor i will never go back to using a mouse the upside on using a Wacom or any Graphics tablet is too great, i highly recommend using a graphics tablet for your daily workflow or at least give it a try especially if you experience chronic wrist pain like i did.

Wacom Tablet i Use (Wacom Intuos Pro Medium) - https://amzn.to/2AREDO2